The first hangar

The last hangar

The factory

The factory in later years

The windtunnel

The Thulin medal, instituted 1944

Pilot student Thulin, France 1912

Thulin´s certificate

Thulin on mission for the Navy

Chief engineer Ivar Malmer (right)

Thulin, a very happy girl & Malmer(?)

Mrs and Mr Thulin on a sunday trip

Having fun. Hans von Blixen (left)

A young Einar Egnell

Instr. Lind. 3500 flights no crash

First carpenter Palle Mellbom

Palle Mellbom repairing a Thulin A

Ruth Bergman & CA Werstman

Elsa Andersson

Lunch on the factory roof

Lunch on the factory roof

Lunch on the factory roof

Ms Thulin, Cn Flory, Mrs Egnell, okt -19

Engineer Kuipers

The engineering office

Captain Flory. Test pilot.

Sigrid Hejll on a Thulin B

Thulin´s Flying School

Runo Ewe-Ericsson 1916

Certificate Runo Ewe-Ericsson

If you crash, you get billed.

Flying school students

Thulin´s Flying School

The huge Thulin H

Von Hindenburg buying aircraft

Thulin LA. Flying passengers

Thulin´s KA, exhibition 1918

Thulin´s Flying School

Thulin C at the Flying School

Thulin´s Flying School

Thulin LA with balanced ailerons

Assembing a Thulin E

Thulin L, Abisko, North Sweden

Thulin L patrolling

Thulin FA taking off

Thulin FA with the Flying Corps

Thulin E on water

Thulin K with the Flying Corps

Thulin B with the Navy

Painting wings

Cylinders in the making

Engines B (left) and A

Thulin G. Eng. Kuipers at the left

Testing an engine

Engines ready for delivery

Propellers found in the attic 1950

Propellers found in the attic 1950