Flying Bear was started by Björn Carlson in 2020;
– I´ve been told that one of my first words was “foffo”, baby language for airplane, but of course that´s more than I can remember.
My first clear memory though, is when I as a 5 year old kid on a very, very early morning and before anyone else was up, sat on the floor cutting, bending and gluing pieces of rigid white paper into small biplanes.
The interest in early aircraft and aircraft history grew and three days after getting the drivers license just after turning 18, I took the car to the nearest flying club to start pilot training. Some years later I left school as an egineer of aeronautics.
The interest in scale models lives on and there is often a project on the work bench – preferably one of the excellent ones from Sir Peter Jackson´s company Wingnut Wings.
A number of years ago I started to make a deeper study of a couple of Thulin aircraft, studies that have led to many visits to museums, extensive drawing investigations, 3D-modelling, etc. Some of these studies are now being presented on this web site. The first study concerned Thulin NA; old factory drawings were first digitized, then transferred into 3D-models and finally re-engineered into a downscaled and buildable plastic model.
After that, other Thulin aircraft – or similar – will follow.
In a way it feels like the circle is now closed, some 50 years later, even if paper and glue have been replaced by 3D-Cad and plastic production. “Same, same, but different”
/Björn Carlson